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Trevor Nared • November 19, 2020

Three years ago, God helped me identify a need to minister to the football coaches’ wives whose husbands spend so much of their days and evenings on campus during the season.   While it has been such a blessing for the wives, and for me personally, God has done so much more with it than I ever expected He would. 

Typically, we rotate among the women’s homes weekly sharing a meal and studying God’s word. When the Covid pandemic hit, I felt like it was going to be a step back, but the ladies wanted to continue to meet, so we began “zooming.”  God continued to work mightily in unexpected ways during this time.  In isolation, some of the women have had to endure the loss of a loved one, or personal struggles.  God has opened doors for me to be able to encourage them in their homes.   As we continued to study together remotely, the husbands and children of the households are now hearing God’s Word, too.  Following one of our study times, I received this message in our group text.

“Soooo just a little quick praise. Weslie asked for a Bible to read because she heard all of us on zoom during our springtime Bible study. And I’m currently sitting and listening to her read it aloud from her bedroom. Pretty cool!” - Adrienne Caton (bible study participant)

God ‘s favor has been on this campus. This women’s Bible study, which started as something that could fill a need for these women, has developed into so much more than that. God has shown me that I shouldn’t be surprised when He does something miraculous, but that I should
expect Him to do something because I believe He will, and because of who He is!

Wait patiently for the Lord.Be brave and courageous.Yes, wait patiently for the Lord

Psalm 27:14

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