In the Book of Acts Chapter 27, it was decided that Paul and 275 other prisoners would make their way from Adramyttium to Rome. Paul was facing trial as the accusations against him were the result of him preaching the Gospel. This would have been an incredibly long journey, which ironically gave Paul the opportunity to continue his mission to bring encouragement and the Gospel to those in his presence.
As they continued on the journey, Paul warned that it would be dangerous and that it would bring great loss to the ship, cargo, and even their own lives (Acts 27:10). Paul was ignored and the captain chose in that moment to not care for the individuals on board. There was a great amount of loss in that storm and as the storm continued to rage on, many stayed below deck for days, grew hungry, and had even given up hope (Acts 27:20-21) That is when Paul also made a choice, a choice to encourage, to not give up hope, and to fully trust in the one who was present in every step of this circumstance. Paul encourages the men by explaining to those that were there, were not lost and the only thing they will have lost is the ship. (Acts 27:22) He continues to encourage them by preaching the Gospel and letting the men know that God made a way and gave him this time with them.
Without the power of the Holy Spirit, Paul would have never been able to maintain his calm in the storm and provide hope that the Gospel provides. There were 275 other prisoners on board and Paul seized the moment as an opportunity to minister to, provide encouragement, and point them back to the only one that could save them.
There is so much we can take away from this journey but I wonder if along the path to our final destination, we remember that God wants to use us in all circumstances to provide encouragement and the hope that is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My challenge to us would be that we would ask God to encounter someone or a group of people along your journey that you would choose to impact for Christ!
The post The Journey appeared first on Upstate New York FCA.