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Mission Impossible

Trevor Nared • August 18, 2020

While reading about Paul’s missionary travels in Acts Chapter 23, I was encouraged by the promises God makes to Paul during his missionary journeys.  Here we find Paul jailed in Jerusalem after his return from Rome where he has been preaching the gospel.  Paul longs to return to his homeland Rome, however, God tells him to stay in Jerusalem, and continue to preach to the Jews, after which he would return to Rome: “Have courage for you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify about me in Rome,” promising Paul that he will be returning to Rome, but just not yet.  

The Jewish leaders’ opposition to Paul begins to escalate, and they want to break him out of jail and kill him.  When Paul’s nephew discovers their plan, he informs the Roman governor who foils their plan.  Eventually, Paul returns to Rome and continues on his missionary journey, where he encounters opposition, life-threatening storms and imprisonment.  Through all 10,000 miles of Paul’s travels, God is with him as his ministry continues to influence millions.

In the Book of Joshua, following the death of Moses, Joshua finds himself in a situation similar to Paul’s when he is appointed the Israelites’ leader. But, God’s plans will not be denied, and though Joshua lacks confidence, three times in the first nine verses God commands Joshua to “be strong and courageous,” because He will be with Joshua wherever he goes. And, Joshua goes on to lead the Israelites in conquering the land.

I can relate to how Paul and Joshua felt at times during their respective ministries. When I stepped into this ministry eight years ago, there had never been a strategy to develop FCA in New York, a predominantly post-Christian culture with an aggressive approach to remove God from most public institutions. Over time, I could have viewed all those things as reasons to give up or be discouraged. But, during quiet times with God, I was reminded of his command to reach all nations and preach the gospel, including New York State, one of the least Bible-minded states in the country.  God has shown me that if He calls you to do something, even if it’s not easy, have courage and keep praying and trusting because He will get it done.  And now we are seeing FCA in every upstate town in New York.  Click on our staff page to find out what God is doing here now:

The post Mission Impossible appeared first on Upstate New York FCA.

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