Acts 1:7-8
“It is not for you to know the times or dates that the Father has set by his own authority, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Today, there is racial unrest, with emotions and tensions at a high. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought both death and isolation. As Christians, what is our responsibility as part of “the Church?”
I have the privilege of working with an incredible staff here in Upstate, New York. They are men and women called by God to lead coaches and athletes into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. We have a diverse team and three of the staff I serve alongside are African-American. Over the past two weeks our entire staff has had many conversations surrounding the impact of racism in America and how we should respond as witnesses for Christ. These conversations have allowed our team to grow, heal and most importantly show compassion for our black and brown brothers and sisters who have been hurt and are hurting. In all transparency, we have discovered that there are no clear and easy ways to combat this issue, but each of us are in agreement that it will be by the power of Christ given by the Holy Spirit that we can fight this evil together in the days ahead.
Responding compassionately is the model Jesus gave us time and time again as we look to His word for direction. In our day, even during this socially distant reality, compassionate responses are still possible. Prayer, writing letters, providing a meal or a phone call or text message, listening to another person’s experience and perspective —are all ways we can be a witness for Christ to the world and specifically to those hurting and in need of hope. In a court of law, a witness is someone who testifies with conviction about something for which he can give an account. If we believe Jesus Christ is who He says he is, and did what He said he did through His shed blood, we can be confident that no matter what the situation, we can speak with conviction about the impact of His resurrection in our own lives to bring hope. By demonstrating God’s love in these ways, He can heal our relationships and the world. May God’s grace be upon you today as you represent and witness for Christ in your life.
The post Witness appeared first on Upstate New York FCA.