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Where is the Church

Trevor Nared • May 13, 2020

What does the word “church” mean? To many, the word connotes a building that is a place of worship. As Christians living in today’s COVID epidemic, we can no longer gather on Sundays in our churches, yet the church hasn’t gone anywhere, it lives inside us in the Holy Spirit, and it has been and will always be about God and His people. 

While we find ourselves outside of our church buildings for an extended period of time, and at home in close proximity to our neighbors, we have an even greater opportunity to live out the second greatest commandment that Jesus gives us in Mark 12:31: “ Love your neighbor as yourself.”    

And, as we live among our neighbors in ways that are holy and acceptable in God’s sight, we can, when given the opportunity, respond to the apostle Peter’s challenge in 1 Peter 3:15: “ But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 

As a body of believers living in today’s circumstances, we are reminded of what Jesus’ initial intent was for “the church” to look like.  Living in this world and amongst our neighbors in loving service toward them with readiness to give God the glory for His work in our lives is what Jesus intended.  Today, remember that the Church hasn’t gone away… we are His church, and Jesus said His Church will not be destroyed!

The post Where is the Church appeared first on Upstate New York FCA.

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