This past weekend, we took the opportunity as a family to visit a local park. It was a cool nevertheless beautiful sunny day! This particular park was full, it was amazing to see so many people outside. In fact, it may have set a record for the amount of people it contained in one day for the month of March. Now I know what you’re thinking: “Isn’t everyone supposed to be social distancing?” This is a rather large park, and everyone exhibited proper social distancing measures.
As we walked through the park, I began to observe the surroundings and that is when this thought and eerie feeling came over me. I realized; I am seeing more people in my neighborhood right now that I never even knew existed since we moved to the area in 2013. Due to the current world crisis, no one stopped to talk or acknowledge anyone else. There was no interaction and it seemed so ironic and I was overcome with sadness.
The next day I woke up with that same sad feeling, but naturally went about my day. I took the kids outside to play in the front yard and just as we were wrapping up our 26 th game of hide and seek, a woman walked by who I hadn’t seen before. I was immediately drawn to the fear on her face and could also sense it in her spirit. A thought came to me, almost as if God was reminding me, “you know Dave, it doesn’t have to be this way”. I said hello to her to start a conversation. From about 15ft feet away I asked her name and where she lived, and we began to chat. I found out that her son Jason is in New York City and that she was worried about him. I told her that I would keep her son in my prayers. She smiled, she thanked me and then continued to walk on.
What I was reminded of is that God is so much bigger than all of this. Despite this pandemic, He has designed us first to be in relationship with Him and then to be in relationship with others. Each of us during this time can choose to fill the gap of time and isolation by finding connection to others so that the world can be encouraged by the love of Jesus Christ. Perfect love drives out all fear and only God’s love for us is perfect. Ask the Lord what he would have you do today to share his love and let His light shine in you!
‘Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. ‘
1 John 4:11
The post FILLING THE GAP appeared first on Upstate New York FCA.