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Trevor Nared • September 19, 2019

The new school year is now well underway and after just two weeks, life seems to have settled into its new rhythm for our household.  Two children off to school and two adults off to work each day has been an adjustment for our family.  Even though I am well aware that so many families today embark on the same journey we have, that doesn’t seem to bring me much comfort.  Adjusting to new routines and transitioning from one stage of life to another is mentally and physically exhausting. 

I am blessed to have an incredible teammate in my wife Kate, but she and I have both looked at each other in this season with the “deer in headlights” look from time to time. Amidst preparing lunches for school, playing Uber for the kids, growing career demands and various other family needs, life can feel like a series of tasks that have no end and lead to nowhere.  

Life seems to be a blur these days and as the weeks fly by, I’m often left asking myself: “Lord, did I do anything this week that will make an eternal impact for your kingdom?”  

I am thankful for God’s word and specifically this week for Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church.  In 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 there is a passage written by Paul that God often uses to bring me back to Him. This allows me to  not focus so much on what I am doing but what He is doing in me. 

Verse 2 reads, “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except for Jesus Christ and him crucified”.  The Corinthian church was in the process of transitioning to maturity in the Christian faith.  They continued to add more people and more complexity to their faith than Paul had originally instructed them to when he first visited.  Paul takes the opportunity in Chapter 2 to remind them and us, that we bring nothing.  God brings it all!  No matter what He has you doing…simple or complex, fast paced or slow and steady, He is more interested in what we are becoming than what we are doing.

So I can continue to run my race…literally…and so can you and we can do it with joy if we stay focused on the gospel transforming us moment by moment into who God wants us to be. 

This week it is my prayer that you and I can “resolve to know nothing” but the grace and truth of the gospel in our lives.

The post Transition appeared first on Upstate New York FCA.

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